
Title Platelet alumina: a potential structural reinforcement for high performance refractories
Thematic area Basic Science
Presenter Dr. Shangzhao Shi
Authors Dr. Shangzhao Shi, Materials Technology Innovation, LLC, Katy - USA
Prof. Ningsheng Zhou, High Temperature Materials Institute, Henan University of Science and Technology, Luoyang - P. R. China
Mr. Zhengkun Li, Jiangsu Jingxin New Materials Co., Ltd., Yangzhou - P.R. China

Platelet alumina is a kind of 2D corundum synthesized at relatively lower temperatures by specific technologies different from that for tabular alumina. The well-known application of platelet alumina is in automobile industry as pearlescent pigments. However, more attention is paid to the use for materials strengthening. Like 1D structural reinforcement elements such as whiskers, rods and needles, such 2D elements should have a similar capability to resist crack propagation in material matrix. Examples of polymer, glass and bioceramics strengthened by platelet alumina have been evidenced in many literatures. The authors attempted to use such platelets to strengthen Al2O3-SiO2 based ceramics and significant increase in split tensile strength has been observed. Synthesis of platelet alumina with low cost aluminum hydrate was also attempted and the results have shown implications for refractory applications. Ideas and suggestions were put forwarded for further efforts.