
Title The Influence of Limestone Containing Refractories on the Element Content and Total Oxygen Content of Manganese Steel at 1873K
Thematic area Steelmaking: Continuous Casting
Presenter Prof. Yaowu  Wei
Authors Prof. Yaowu Wei, Wuhan University of Science and Technology, Wuhan - China
Prof. Nan Li, Wuhan University of Science and Technology, Wuhan - China
Mr. Yanlong Wang, Wuhan University of Science and Technology, Wuhan - China
Mr. Changsong Ye, Wuhan University of Science and Technology, Wuhan - China
Mr. Zhiqiang Liu, Wuhan University of Science and Technology, Wuhan - China

Reactions between CO2 gas from limestone containing refracotories and [Mn], [C] in molten steel and its influence on carbon content, manganese content and total oxygen content of steel are investigated via vacuum medium frequency induction furnace. Limestone containing MgO-CaO refractory crucibles and manganese steel are used in this study. Experimental results are analysised with the assistance of thermodynamic analysis. The interesting result shows that the total oxygen content of steel did not increase with the increment of limestone content in refractory crucible always, the latter continues release CO2 gas under high temperature, but the carbon content of steel is continue increased.It can be concluded that the elements in steel were consumed by the reaction with CO2 gas and the oxidation products were absorbed by refractory lining.