
Title Interaction between Molten Metal and MgO-C Refractory during the RH Degassing Process in Steelmaking
Thematic area Steelmaking: Steel Ladles and Secondary Metallurgy
Presenter Mr. Ji Hyung bin
Authors Mr. HyungBin Ji, Hyundai Steel Company, Dangjin - Republic of Korea
Mr. YongEuy Hong, Hyundai Steel Company, Dangjin - Republic of Korea
Mr. JaeHwan Ahn, Hyundai Steel Company, Dangjin - Republic of Korea
Mr. YongSug Chung, Korea Polytechnic University, siheung - Republic of Korea

Magnesia–carbon brick was applied to improve the lifetime of refractory for lower vessel and snorkels in RH degassing process. The reaction between molten steel and MgO-C refractory was evaluated and compared with conventional MgO-Cr2O3 refractory for RH process. In this paper, cup tests were performed at 1600 °C during 3 hours in air and vacuum conditions. In order to analyze corrosion reaction, microstructure was analyzed by SEM. Nondestructive inspection (NDI) was carried out to observe interface between molten steel and refractory by X-Ray CT. By this experiment, reaction area and inner part of the sample were examined closely without damage of sample. In this Lab test, a densed MgO-layer was observed at an interface between molten steel and refractory. And it shows that this layer is very effective to protect additional oxidation. Based on this observation, MgO-C refractory will be tested in RH lower vessel and snorkels soon.