
Title In-depth Analysis of Thermal Profiles during Industrial Dry-out of Low Cement Castable
Thematic area Monolithics for Various Applications
Presenter Dr. Yong Lee
Authors Dr. Yong Lee, Arcelormttal Global R&D, East Chicago - USA
Mr. Kurt Johnson, Arcelormttal Global R&D, East Chicago - USA
Mr. Sanjay Kumar, Arcelormttal Burns Harbor, Burns Harbor - USA

Low cement castable is prone to steam spalling due to low permeability during dry-out. Much contribution has been made to understand the dewatering behavior of low cement castable and avoid steam spalling. Practical questions about heating rates and holding time were raised during industrial application. The current work will present in-depth analysis of temperature profiles of low cement castable during large-scale industrial dry-out and compare them with laboratory studies.