
Title Comparison of Fused and Sintered High Alumina Refractory Aggregates - Perceptions, Characteristics, and Behaviour in Different Refractories
Thematic area Raw Materials
Presenter Mr. Dale Zacherl
Authors Mr. Dale Zacherl, Almatis, Inc., Leetsdale - United States
Mrs. Marion Schnabel, Almatis, GmbH, Frankfurt - Germany
Dr. Andreas Buhr, Almatis, GmbH, Frankfurt - Germany
Mrs. Dagmar Schmidtmeier, Almatis, GmbH, Ludwigshafen - Germany
Mr. Shankha Chatterjee, Almatis Alumina Private Ltd, Kolkata - India
Dr. Sebastian Klaus, Almatis, GmbH, Frankfurt - Germany
Mr. Jerry Dutton, , Stourbridge - United Kingdom

There are many perceptions in the market about the most appropriate refractory aggregate for a particular application. Opinions about the relative benefits of the fused and sintered versions of synthetic high alumina materials are set and often difficult to discuss and refute. However, changes in the refractory raw materials market over the past few years have influenced the properties of the currently available synthetic high alumina materials and triggered the development of new aggregates. The purpose of this paper is to outline the differences between high alumina fused and sintered raw materials. The focus will be on physical properties such as density, porosity and grain shape, but the influence on the final properties of refractory formulations such as bricks, castables or dry vibratable mixes is also discussed.