
Title Application of alternative energy in cement industry
Thematic area Environmental and Recycling
Presenter Mr. Yandun Zhou
Authors Mr. Xijun Liu, Ruitai Materials Technology, Beijing - China
Mr. Yandun Zhou, Ruitai Materials Technology, Beijing - China
Mr. Lin Yuan, Ruitai Materials Technology, Beijing - China
Mr. Juntao Wang, Ruitai Materials Technology, Beijing - China
Mr. Songlin Chen, Ruitai Materials Technology, Beijing - China

  One of the main characteristics of the second generation new dry process cement technology is wates disposal harmless and resources utilization technology, which point out that the utilization rate of alternative energy in cement industry reaches 40% for developed countries, while China cement groups do not have experience in managing alternative fuels.This essay discussed application of alternative fuels, such as petrol coke, used tire and municipal solid waste, and their impact on refractory.