
Title Development of More Efficient Structures for Ladle and Tundishes Monolithic Covers
Thematic area Steelmaking: Steel Ladles and Secondary Metallurgy
Presenter Mr. julio Gonzalez Bernaldo de Quiroz
Authors Mr. julio Gonzalez Bernaldo de Quiros, CUARIBAR SA, Tortuguitas - Argentina

After years of working and researching at the steel industry, we had found some weaknesses in designs and structures of monolithic covers for melt steel containing vessels. We have developed and successfully tested a low cost design for steel ladle covers and we are expanding this technology not only to steel industry but to other industries too. For this design we use alumina silica castables with a steel structure and stainless steel anchors. 

Our design consists of  light and ventilate structures that allow the user to work on a lower temperature on the metallic structure preserving the refractory and achieveing a prolonged performance that the desings that have been used for more than 40 years. 

Since the first test this product have reached more than two times the life cycles of the traditional alternative. For this reason and because of the low cost we are expanding this development to other aplications expecting better results on each area.