
Title Innovative Refractory Products to line and to repair heavily loaded Areas
Thematic area Monolithics for Various Applications
Presenter Dr. Patrick Tassot
Authors Dr. Patrick Tassot, Refratechnik steel GmbH, Düsseldorf - Germany
Mr. Bertram Kesselheim, Refratechnik steel GmbH, Düsseldorf - Germany
Dr. Thomas Schemmel, Refratechnik steel GmbH, Düsseldorf - Germany

Increased worldwide globalization in term of economy and competition imposes innovative measure for the steelmaker and other producers targeting cost reduction in order to have the ability to withstand the pressure of the market.

High reliability and availability of the main vessels used for the process are key factors in the choice of a technology. In the last decades a lot of innovation from the monolithic side has enabled to establish these products worldwide. Some areas still stays as a weak point due to such cumulative stresses during operative conditions as high temperature, thermal shocks, high abrasion and corrosion.

REFRAWIRE® precast technology is giving the answer to these multi-task operations. This new generation of refractory composite material offers a combination of strength, high refractoriness, abrasion resistance and reasonable corrosion resistance. For answering the requirements of the market we have developed a range of refractory self-flowing material allowing working in such different environments as iron and steel making, nonferrous industry, incineration, power plant and cement industry.

Additionally to new performant lining it is essential to propose some efficient easy hot repair possibility to our customer. This can be achieved with REFRASPRAY®, here also constituted by a customized line of products enabling a hot repair by spraying. Applied very successfully in the foundry sector, we can save significant time for the repair of ladles or runners.